Conveniently located to serve the areas of Miami and South Florida

Non-Invasive BBL

A non-invasive BBL, or non-surgical butt lift, is a procedure that involves the use of dermal fillers to accentuate the natural contours of the buttocks without the use of fat transfer. While a standard Brazilian butt lift can provide incredible results that can be maintained for a lifetime, not all patients are looking to undergo an invasive procedure. With the long-lasting effects of Sculptra, you can reap similar benefits to a surgical BBL without the downtime or long recovery process. 

Under the guidance of Dr. Silvia Rotemberg, our team at Rotemberg Plastic Surgery is committed to providing individualized care and delivering exceptional results. We understand that each patient has unique goals and desires, which is why we take the time to listen and tailor our approach accordingly. Your safety, comfort, and satisfaction are our top priorities.

If you’re considering a non-invasive BBL or any other cosmetic procedure, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rotemberg at our South Miami office. 

Call us today at (305) 274-5170 or visit our contact page to take the first step towards achieving the curves you desire.

About Sculptra 

Sculptra is a type of Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) injection, a safe and biocompatible and biodegradable substance that stimulates the production of your body’s natural connective proteins like collagen and elastin. PLLA is injected into the second layer of skin, the dermis, or subdermally, so these are relatively superficial injections. This substance is used on the buttocks due to its unique ability to thicken the dermis layer of the skin and provide volumizing effects for up to 2 years. (1) 

Sculptra’s volumizing effect, in particular, is due to its ability to invoke an inflammatory response that involves an influx of macrophages, mast cells, and lymphocytes- all immune cells. (2) The substance degrades and the inflammatory response slows down over the course of several months, activating fibroblast cells that create collagen and elastin. As the newly formed collagen replenishes your skin’s foundation, you’ll notice significant improvements in skin texture, firmness, and overall contour. 

Sculptra offers a multitude of benefits beyond buttock enhancement. This remarkable treatment can reduce wrinkles, define jawlines, soften marionette lines, and even improve the appearance of acne scars.

Benefits of a Non-Invasive BBL

Sculptra is the ideal filler to utilize in the buttocks for a number of reasons. Here are some key advantages of choosing Sculptra over a surgical BBL as well as its own benefits: 

  • Long-lasting results that last 1 to 2 years 
  • No need for a compression garment, sutures, or local anesthetic 
  • Smooths out wrinkles, creases, and stretch marks in the buttocks region 
  • No need for downtime– you can immediately return to work and return to your normal workout routine within 24 hours 
  • Volumizes areas of hollowness and sagginess, promoting symmetrical, fuller buttocks
  • Improves skin quality in areas with cellulite 
  • Little risk of adverse reactions 

Candidates for a Non-Invasive BBL

Sculptra fillers are ideal for patients who do not have adequate fat deposits to achieve their desired results through a surgical BBL. These fillers are safe for those in decent health, have no allergies to their compounds, and have no conditions that would impede the healing process. You should be close to your ideal weight and have realistic expectations at the time of your procedure. 

Using Sculptra as a non-invasive butt lift will produce results that are less dramatic than a BBL, but will still be noticeable. If you have an active infection in the gluteal area or have experienced keloid scarring, this procedure may not be the best fit for you. 

Personal Consultation 

During this consultation, Dr. Rotemberg will take the time to understand your unique aesthetic goals and discuss any concerns or questions you may have about the procedure. As a highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Rotemberg will assess the structure of your buttocks, volume loss, and skin condition to determine if Sculptra is the right treatment for you. She will create a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, ensuring natural-looking and long-lasting results. 

If you are ready to experience the transformative benefits of Sculptra, contact Rotemberg Plastic Surgery in South Miami at (305) 274-5170 to schedule your consultation, or submit your request through our contact form

If you’d like to inform yourself on the many other procedures she offers, take a look through her blog. Take the first step toward more vibrant and youthful curves that you can feel confident in. 


Before receiving any filler injections, Dr. Rotemberg will review the medications and supplements you’re currently taking to ensure there aren’t any contraindications. She will advise you to stop taking anti-inflammatories and blood thinners to prevent this risk of excessive bruising during your recovery. Right before your appointment, make sure you’re hydrated and have eaten something. 

Non-Invasive BBL Procedure

Prior to your injections, Dr. Rotemberg will cleanse the area and apply a numbing cream about 20 to 30 minutes before your first injection. Your exact dosage of PLLA will depend on your BMI, size, age, and treatment goals. You will likely receive 1 to 2 vials per buttock for satisfactory results. (3) Dr. Rotemberg will strategically plan out areas of injection before administering. The procedure itself is quick and easy- only taking 30 minutes to complete!

Methods of Preventing Nodule Formation

Dr. Rotemberg utilizes intricate injection techniques that greatly minimizes the risk of nodule formation after a non-invasive BBL. To achieve natural-looking projection of the buttocks in the safest way possible, she injects about 60% of the PLLA dosage in the target area and 40% in the frame of the area. With this method, she can create buttock enhancement that is harmonious with the rest of the body and doesn’t over-collect in one area of injection- a minor complication that leads to a nodule or lump in the skin. 

Recovery and Results

After your injections, you’ll likely experience some redness and bruising that may take 1 to 2 weeks to fully subside. For the first couple of days, you’ll be allowed to use an ice pack to relieve any discomfort, but you should continue to refrain from NSAIDs and pain relievers that thin the blood. 

It is normal to feel very small papules under the skin, but please contact Dr. Rotemberg if you feel anything raised or irritated for a prolonged amount of time. You will be able to undertake strenuous activities just 1 day after your procedure. Within 4 to 6 weeks, you’ll begin to notice the effects of new collagen formation. Within 12 weeks, you’ll notice a substantial improvement in the contours of your buttocks. To support faster results, you should incorporate a twice-daily, five minute massage for the first 5 to 7 days. (3)

Cost of a Non-Invasive BBL in South Miami

Factors that can influence the cost of Sculptra treatment include the number of treatment sessions required and the amount of product needed. While we understand that cost is an important consideration, it is equally important to prioritize the quality and expertise of your chosen plastic surgeon. Dr. Silvia Rotemberg is renowned for her meticulous attention to detail, artistic approach, and commitment to delivering exceptional results. By choosing our practice, you are investing in the expertise and skill of our dedicated team. After your thorough consultation, she can give you an accurate estimate for your non-invasive BBL. Visit our financing page to learn more about CareCredit; we’ve also provided patients with answers to the most frequently asked questions related to financing. 


How many injections of Sculptra do I need for a non-invasive BBL? 

Sculptra requires at least 2 to 4 injection sessions before you’ll begin to see results of collagen production and volume restoration. These sessions should be spaced out 6 to 8 weeks apart to ensure that the PLLA is distributed evenly and to prevent the risk of lumps and nodules forming. 

Is a non-invasive BBL just as effective as a standard BBL?

A non-invasive BBL is ideal for patients who are looking to subtly enhance the shape and size of their buttocks without the need for a recovery that requires a compression garment and downtime from work and other activities. 

Can I get a non-invasive BBL to enhance the results of a previous surgical BBL?

Absolutely. Sculptra is a great way to help maintain the results of a surgical BBL. It can also be used to revise your look if you’re not pleased with the results of your previous BBL. The PLLA can smooth out irregularities without going through another fat transfer procedure. 

Are non-invasive BBLs permanent? 

Even after achieving your cosmetic desires, the results of a non-invasive BBL won’t remain permanent. Depending on your metabolism, results can last 1 to 2 years. Luckily, maintenance injection sessions will prolong your buttock enhancement. There is an advantage to this as well; if you’d like to make subtle changes throughout your sessions, you’ll be able to modify your look. Although a standard BBL incorporates permanent fat grafts, the fat is subject to atrophy if you lose weight, leading some patients to prefer the benefits of a non-invasive BBL. 


  1. Lorenc ZP. Techniques for the Optimization of Facial and Nonfacial Volumization with Injectable Poly-l-lactic Acid. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2012;36(5):1222-1229. doi: 
  2. Ray S, Ta HT. Investigating the Effect of Biomaterials Such as Poly-(l-Lactic Acid) Particles on Collagen Synthesis In Vitro: Method Is Matter. Journal of Functional Biomaterials. 2020;11(3). doi: 
  3. Sarubi J, Guarnieri C, Del Nero MP, et al. Targeted and Individualized Gluteal Poly-L-Lactic Acid Injection for Optimal Aesthetic Results in the Gluteal Region. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology. 2023;16(6):30-36. Accessed September 20, 2023.