Conveniently located to serve the areas of Miami and South Florida

laser facial

Are you tired of trying to cover imperfections on your face, to no avail?

Have you been feeling remorseful because of how you’ve treated your skin over the years? Is it time to find a skin care solution that addresses many, if not, all, of the issues that keep you from looking amazing?

Finding the fountain of youth is more than looking your best. It is about actually feeling good about how you look. Being able to turn back the hands of time to reclaim beautiful, clear, plump, firm skin is a goal many of us wish to achieve. 

Dr. Silvia Rotemberg is one of South Florida’s top plastic surgeons who is dedicated to helping her patients reach their aesthetic goals. With some of the latest technologies available, Dr. Rotemberg achieves youthful results for her patients. A Laser Facial with LaseMD from Lutronic is Dr. Rotemberg’s fountain and she is equipped to address your skin care concerns in her Miami office.

About Laser Facial

Laser Facial is a laser assisted facial treatment that can restore, reverse, or rebuild the skin. Using the FDA-approved LaseMD to accomplish the goals of the patient, Dr. Silvia Rotemberg combines art and science to treat fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, actinic keratosis, and a number of skin tone and texture concerns. 

LaseMD uses non-ablative fractional energy to rejuvenate the skin to enhance its youthfulness. It is non-invasive and requires no downtime! 

Additionally, a regimen of topical agents are applied to the skin to not only hydrate, but also penetrate deep to reverse signs of aging and other imperfections. Lightening, brightening, and toning the skin, a Laser Facial goes further than a facial alone. It is a great solution for long-term results.1

Benefits of a Laser Facial

There are many benefits when it comes to a Laser Facial with LaseMD. The procedure is relatively quick, painless, and works on all skin types. These features are attractive enough, but Dr. Rotemberg’s patients rave about the many ways in which a Laser Facial realizes their aesthetic dreams.

  • Softer, smoother skin
  • Reduction in hyperpigmentation
  • More even skin tone
  • No artificial fragrances or chemicals
  • No preservatives2
  • Long-term results
  • Little to no downtime

Candidates for Laser Facial

Ideal candidates for a LaseMD Laser Facial are individuals who are dissatisfied with the current state of their skin. They may experience lines, acne, dark spots, and/or laxity in the skin. If you are a candidate for Laser Facial, contact Dr. Silvia Rotemberg today to schedule a consultation! 

Personal Consultation

During a private consultation with Dr. Silvia Rotemberg, patients will have an opportunity to discuss their aesthetic desires. Dr. Rotemberg will inquire about the patient’s medical and health histories.

Dr. Rotemberg will take her time to answer any questions the patient may have about Laser Facial and LaseMD technology.

Afterwards, she will examine the patient’s skin to ensure they are a candidate for Laser Facial. Dr. Rotemberg will create a customized treatment plan to address the patient’s concerns in the most effective manner. One of her helpful, South Miami staff members will provide a quote and schedule the patient’s Laser Facial. 

If it is determined that the patient may be better served by another procedure, Dr. Silvia Rotemberg will provide her professional medical opinion. If you are seeking a revitalization of your face and want to experience Dr. Rotemberg’s aesthetic genius for yourself, contact her office today for a consultation!


The Laser Facial is an excellent solution to boost the appearance of the skin. From creating a brighter complexion to a firmer tone, the LaseMD corrects many complaints in a number of patients in 20 minutes or less!

laser facial

Dr. Rotemberg will cleanse your skin with a mild antiseptic. The LaseMD will be set to the appropriate level to address the needs of the patient. Restore (Level I) is for active acne patients wanting to reduce redness and breakouts. Reverse (Level II) is for patients with melasma. Rebuild (Level III) is for patients who require a more significant skin rejuvenation

Patients may feel some heat and mild discomfort depending on the intensity of the laser as the device exfoliates the skin. 

The LaseMD creates microchannels in the skin that promote uniformed healing through building new collagen in the skin. These microchannels and their subsequent healing are enhanced during the second stage of the procedure: applying the topical agents. Special concentrated serums are applied to the face immediately following the laser application. These include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, resveratrol, and tranexamic acid. Thereafter, a cooling mask is placed on the face for a few minutes to reduce redness and moisturize the skin.3 Patients may also go home with a collection of serums to continue using on an ongoing basis to maintain the results of their treatment. 

Following the Laser Facial, patients can return to their day with minimal disruption! The fountain of youth you have been seeking is 20 minutes away! Call (305) 539-7083 today to schedule a Laser Facial consultation with Dr. Silvia Rotemberg in South Florida.


Because of the non-invasive nature of the procedure, there is no downtime! Patients may experience some redness for about 2 days following treatment. There is no flaking, burning, or pain with LaseMD! You will be able to return to your day immediately following a Laser Facial!


Because of the unique needs of each patient, results will vary between individuals. Patients can expect brighter, clearer, more supple skin after a Laser Facial. Skin will be more youthful with less lines and improved texture and tone. To best maintain these amazing results, patients should keep the skin hydrated, continue using the LaseMD serums, and protect the skin with sunblock each day. Results from a Laser Facial are long-lasting! To realize these results for yourself, contact Dr. Silvia Rotemberg today for a Laser Facial consultation!

Complementary Procedures

Patients may be looking for a cosmetic procedure that addresses a number of concerns. Depending on the nature of the skin, additional procedures are an excellent way to augment a Laser Facial! Keeping the face and skin looking youthful, patients can outwardly exude what they feel on the inside.


Botox is a non-surgical neuromodulator that addresses fine lines and wrinkles for 6 months. Botox is injected into the muscles under the skin that are responsible for creating creasing on the surface of the skin. It acts to prevent the muscles from contracting, and thereby making folds on the forehead and around the eyes.

By expertly placing the Botox injections, Dr. Silvia Rotemberg can help patients realize their fountain of youth by reducing wrinkles in the most prominent areas of face.

Dermal Fillers

Younger skin is voluminous, taut, and smooth. Depressions in the face that occur as a result of aging, genetics, or damage to the skin can make patients self-conscious about their appearance. Dermal fillers are a great solution to plump the face to give patients the fullness they are seeking. Patients may opt for a facial fat transfer in place of synthetic fillers. A facial fat transfer consists of a liposuction procedure to harvest the fat from predetermined donor site(s). The fat is then purified and reinjected into the face to enhance volume

Dermal fillers, including fat, are injected just under the skin to smooth lines, wrinkles, and depressions caused from acne. They can fill out the hollows of the cheeks and around the eyes and create full, luscious lips. Fillers can also be used to fill deflated skin on the hands.

Facial Surgery

There are several facial surgery options Dr. Silvia Rotemberg offers in Miami. Face-related surgical procedures can significantly enhance patients’ appearances. The skin will become significantly taut, and the contours of the face will be more prominent. Dr. Rotemberg offers facelift, necklift, thread lift, and brow lift in her South Florida office. In addition to facial lift procedures, Dr. Rotemberg also performs eyelid surgery to help reduce lax skin and the appearance of hollowed eyes. 


How much does a Laser Facial cost in South Florida?

Due to the unique needs of each patient, costs will reflect the individualized nature of the procedure. Costs will vary between patients. During a consultation with Dr. Silvia Rotemberg, patients will receive a breakdown of specific costs for their treatment. 

Can Laser Facial be combined with another treatment such as microneedling or chemical peel?

Due to the nature of the Laser Facial, it may not be recommended to have another facial procedure in the same day. In fact, it may be best to wait several months to realize the final results of the Laser Facial before deciding to undergo a chemical peel or microneedling procedure. Dr. Rotemberg will provide patients with her professional medical opinion on which services will best meet their needs during the private consultation.

Additional Resources

  1. Lutronic. (2018). The new Lutronic LaseMD is changing the way practices think about skin rejuvenation. [Press Release]. Retrieved from
  2. Lutronic. (2018). The LaseMD Experience: Beautify. Clarify. Renew. Retrieved from 
  3. Castillo, K. (n.d.). The Latest in Lasers: How LaseMD is Revitalizing Skincare. Retrieved from